Esoteric Classes

All classes are established by the Modern Mystery School INT.

Sacred Geometry 1 Class

Physical spaces hold energy. Have you noticed some places feel better and hold a higher energy than others? Throughout time, spiritual cultures from all around the world have used the principles of Sacred Geometry to build Temples, Mosques, Cathedrals as well as theaters, palaces and other places of beauty to uplift the human spirit.​ In the Class, learn the practical use of Sacred Geometry and how to apply it to elevate you space and everyday life. 

*This Class is a prerequisite for Healers Academy 1

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Sacred Geometry 2 Class

Do you want to become a professional crystal healer? Do you want to restore the sacredness of the human body, mind, and space you live and work in? Do you want to permanently enhance the vibration of your home and work spaces?
Throughout this class you recieve real, powerful, and immediately effective healing tools to use with yourself and clients.

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Astral Travel Class

Have you ever wanted to experience yourself in a higher states of being? There are higher dimensions available to us beyond this physical one. When we can experience just how vast our existence is, it brings a lot of life into perspective and also brings more clarity and insight. This class teaches you how to focus and travel beyond your minds limits so you can truly know the infinite nature of you.

*This Class is a prerequisite for Healers Academy 1

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12 Magickal Beings of Earth

Fairies, Elves, Mer, and other beings are a part of the 12 Races of Earth and they are real. In the Mystery School tradition, we are trained on how to work with these beings. They are here to help humanity evolve and with the creation of world peace. In this 4-hour class, we will go over all 12 of them, learn a few of their secrets, and at the end of class, we will connect with all of them through a guided meditation.

Date: September 14th 11 am - 3 pm
Investment: $200
Location: Glass Roots Energetics - Downtown Ft. Lauderdale

*Register for 2 classes and receive a 20% discount.
*This Class is a prerequisite for Healers Academy 1


Journeys Of the Spirit Class

 Are you ready to strengthen your psychic abilities? Have you ever wondered if the information you a receiving in your meditation is right for you? Want to learn how to strengthen your meditation practice or simply learn how to meditate? (all levels welcomed) Want to learn how to connect with your higher self and other beings of light in a safe container?
This class is designed to help expand your awareness and strengthen your discernment so that you can grow in the personal and professional aspects of your life.
You will be guided on how to create a safe environment and how to integrate this technique and knowledge into your day-to-day life Energy Exchange

Date: September 15th 12:30pm - 7:30 pm
Investment: $350
Location: Glass Roots Energetics - Downtown Ft. Lauderdale 

*Register for 2 classes and receive a 20% discount.

* This Class is a prerequisite for Healers Academy 1  


Sanctuary Meditation Class

If you could meet your Higher Self, what would you ask them? For healing, insights, clarity, empowerment? In this class you will learn a technique to effectively and confidently access your Sanctuary and connect directly with your Higher Self.​ Your Higher Self can provide you with all the healing, clarity, empowerment and support you could need on your journey.

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Stress Rescue

A 2 hour class for learning holistic techniques for recognizing early signs of tension and the importance of stress management.
Through this class - learn how to adapt, transmute, and release stress quickly and effectively. 
For many, stress is a part of daily life. If you feel that stress at home or work is affecting your wellbeing, and you wish to bring and maintain balance, peace, rest and joy in your life, then Stress Rescue is a highly recommended class. During Stress Rescue, you will learn to recognize factors that cause stress, define the consequences of stress, and learn management tools, which will ease and transform stress in your life. By combating stress you will benefit both psychologically and physically. Stress reduction can strengthen the immune system, improve health and vitality, decrease cholesterol and blood pressure, increase concentration and work effectiveness, decrease depression and anxiety, and improve general quality of life, allowing for more available energy to invest in what really matters to you.

*Taught in 1-on-1  or in a group setting

Investment: $250

Next Class: Sunday November 17th 2024

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Max Meditation 

~ Virtual & Weekly Class ~

Max Meditation System™
A simple, rewarding method for cultivating mental tranquility! Meditation can bring you peace from the chaos and gain true mind control. These cluttered thoughts are stopping you from living your best life.
The Max Meditation System™ was developed by Modern Mystery School Founder Gudni Gudnason after traveling the world for the last 35 years exploring the phenomena of the mind. A complementary blend of ancient methods learned from prominent teachers in India and Tibet, this system is designed to truly teach you how to get the most out of your meditation practice. Join us for a fusion of ancient techniques of yoga and mind acrobatics, mixed with modern techniques of psychology and NLP, making this the most effective system to reduce your stress and pain, enhance your energy, vitality, well being and so much more. Meditation is universally acknowledged for its many health benefits.
The Max Meditation System™ builds on those benefits by:
- Working with a trained practitioner who will guide you through the process with ease
- Deepening your relaxation through a process designed to soothe your mind
- Addressing the physical, mental, and emotional components of your mental restlessness
- Enhancing spiritual insight and connection by reducing the negative thoughts in your head.
With a certified practitioner guiding you through the process, meditation will no longer be something daunting and frustrating! Your practitioner will lead you through the journey to a quiet mind every time!

Investment: $17

*Taught Virtually: Thursday @ 9PM EST
*Please text provided in button below to register and receive zoom link

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Spiritual Intuition

We are all psychic. Everyone has access to their spiritual senses, just the same as their physical senses.

There is so much more to the world around than just what we can see, touch, smell, taste and hear.
When we activate, enhance and fine tune these senses we have a much broader perspective of our world and therefore much more information available for informed decision making.

Psychic ability, a sixth sense, the gift of prophecy, clairvoyance, clairsentience. There are many names to describe this quality we simply call Spiritual Intuition. Everyone has intuition; the degree to which it is used varies from person to person. Intuition is often defined as a knowing, without the use of rational processes.
Everyone has this innate ability in them, and you are using it more often than you realize!

In this workshop, you will learn about the spiritual senses, how to activate them, strengthen them and build your psychic awareness and sensitivity in a safe and comfortable way.
You will be handed down tools and techniques that you can practice everyday to develop your psychic abilities and consciously work with your intuition everyday

Investment: $50
Next Class: Sunday November 17th 2024


Have questions regarding the classes above?

Monthly Full Moon Meditation & Ritual 

Embracing the ancient ways and pagan practices challenges the assumptions of mainstream society all the while strengthening your relationships with the gods, the universe, your community, and yourself.

Wiccan Ceremony & Celebrations

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