Have you ever wanted to experience yourself in a higher states of being?
There are higher dimensions available to us beyond this physical one. When we can experience just how vast our existence is, it brings a lot of life into perspective and also brings more clarity and insight.
This class teaches you how to focus and travel beyond your minds limits so you can truly know the infinite nature of you.

Learn the Art And Science Of Astral Travel

Astral Travel is defined as the art or science of traveling outside of the body to obtain information.
Whether you think that you’ve astral traveled before, or are simply ready to explore the universe and all that lies within it, the ability to consciously travel and obtain information will give you a powerful sense of freedom, knowledge, growth and joy!

This amazing workshop teaches you the essential theory and technique to practice and develop the skill of Astral Travel in a safe and powerful manner. Taught in the same way and with the same techniques handed down by the great masters for thousands of years, you will leave empowered and able to astral travel expanding your consciousness to anywhere in the universe.

In this workshop, you will learn the to-do’s of universal travel, including:
- Learning to use a conscious induction process to expand your awareness beyond     the limits of your physical body
- How to travel safely in accordance to Sacred Law for the best possible                         experiences
- Greater awareness of how and where you can travel to receive guidance,                   information and experience
- Physical preparation of your space and body to build a deeper connection to your     travels
- Rituals and prayer to protect and bless you in your travels

This is truly an essential class for all who wish to journey and expand their sense of what life has to offer!
Please join us to receive the keys you need to make the most of your connection to the astral realm! ​

Date: April 26th 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Investment: $250

Location: Glass Roots Energetics - Downtown Ft. Lauderdale

​* Strongly recommended prerequisites: Life Activation, Full Spirit Activation & Sacred Geometry 1

(Astral Travel and Sacred Geometry Classes compliment one another and are recommended to attend in sequence.)

* Register for both Classes to receive a 20% discount