Executives get stumped too...

In an increasingly complex and rapidly evolving business landscape, executives often find themselves grappling with multifaceted challenges that demand clarity and strategic foresight. This is where an executive advisor becomes invaluable, providing a holistic approach to support leaders in navigating their roles effectively. By integrating various dimensions of business, personal development, and organizational dynamics, as an executive advisor I help executives gain a comprehensive understanding of their unique situations, enabling them to make informed and strategic decisions and successfully navigate their professional relationships.

As an advisor, I work closely with leaders to identify their core values, strengths, and areas for growth, ensuring that their personal development is in sync with the company's strategic direction. This alignment not only enhances the overall effectiveness of the executive but also fosters a more cohesive and purpose-driven organizational culture. By addressing both professional and personal growth, I’m able to help executives achieve a balanced perspective, which is crucial for sustainable leadership.

Executive Advisory may benefit you if you:
• Seek internal clarity on navigating sensitive topics with peers, colleagues, or clients
• Need a confidant to brainstorm ideas and problem-solve with Would like support with making import and or challenging decisions and gaining clarity on which option will lead to the highest outcome
• Require an energy boost to realign and enhance your ability to generate forward momentum.

What to expect: While each situation is unique, allow me to provide insight into my approach with executive clients: I create a safe space for open dialogue, listening attentively, allowing them to voice their thoughts. Together, we identify key details, define desired outcomes, and develop strategies or communication scripts to initiate impactful changes.

Remember: Life sometimes signals us to pause, reflect on our approaches, update our strategies, and overcome obstacles hindering progress and creativity. Embracing challenges leads to personal growth and refinement, transforming us into a better version of ourselves.

My services stand out due to my intuitive ability to understand individuals’ subconscious needs, guiding them toward positive resolutions that align with my clients’ goals. This helps facilitate understanding and cooperation, encouraging a positive outcome for all parties involved.

Regardless of the complexity, I am confident in my capabilities to assist you in achieving your objectives. Schedule a consultation below to explore how I can support and elevate you and your endeavors.

 All The Best,
             Laura Reese

Selection Of Services

1 Hour of Consulting


$125 for every consecutive hour thereafter within a single advisory session. 

1.5 Hour Advisory & Energy Clearing Session


Combination sessions takes place in-person.
Energy Clearing Session requires approximately 25 min. 

Weekly On-Call Executive Advisory 


Receive support with navigating your professional relationships and making decisions from an elevated point of view.
Lean how to more effectively respond and communicate to create 'win win' outcomes in your workplace.